Is Clallam 2 Fire-Rescue the same as the Port Angeles Fire Department?
- No, Clallam 2 Fire-Rescue is a junior taxing district created by the voters to provide fire and EMS to citizens who live around the City of Port Angeles from Deer Park to Lake Sutherland.
- The Port Angeles Fire Department provides fire and EMS to residents who live in the City of Port Angeles and is a completely separate entity
Is Clallam 2 Fire-Rescue a part of Clallam County government?
- No, Clallam 2 Fire-Rescue is not affiliated with Clallam County government. As a junior taxing district, we do not recieve oversight or funding from Clallam County.
How is the Fire District funded?
- 82% of the funding for the fire district comes from the voter approved levy. An additional 13% come from ambulance transport billing and the remaining 5% comes from various other sources. The fire district does not recieve funding from Clallam County, City of Port Angeles, Washington State, or the Federal government.
Why do I see Olympic Ambulance responding to calls within the fire district?
- Clallam 2 Fire-Rescue and Olympic Ambulance have a operational agreement where both agencies respond together to EMS calls withing the fire district. Prior to the fire district providing Advanced Life Support (ALS) paramedic services, those services were provided by Olympic Ambualnce. Today, each agency still responds to EMS calls and will alternate between the two agencies when a patient needs transported to the hospital.